You can make use of multiple FTP accounts to administer your content in case you’ve got several sites within the very same website hosting account. You can provide different individuals with access only to given folders, for example – web developers or IT professionals from the company, and be sure that they will not be able to connect to any other directories or anything else in the hosting account, as the FTP accounts have limited access. Besides, you can set up and administer several different websites at once with a website building application like FrontPage or Dreamweaver (as these apps use FTP to make a connection to the web server) and upload the site files both when you create them and when you modify them. A key part of accomplishing these things is the possibility to create and administer your FTP accounts swiftly and seamlessly.
FTP Manager in Website Hosting
When you you open a website hosting account with us, you’ll be given access to the pretty powerful FTP Manager tool, that’s a part of our custom-built Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. The tool comes with a number of different options, besides the ability to create or delete FTP accounts. You will be able to check the access path for each account and by clicking on it, you can alter it so that the account in question will access another directory. Auto-config files can be downloaded too, so you won’t have to configure anything manually – you can just download the particular file for FileZilla, CyberDuck or Core FTP and install it on your computer. To make the management easier, the FTP Manager will permit you to see all the accounts that you’ve set up in alphabetical order, based on either the access path or the username.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our semi-dedicated server packages come with the multi-function Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, which contains our FTP Manager software tool. It will offer you all the options that you might need so as to manage your FTP accounts without hassle from one single location. It takes one click to create or to delete an account and, with 2 more clicks of the mouse, you can update the folder that this account can access. In case you create an immense number of FTP accounts, you can select how many of them will be displayed on one page and whether they should be listed in descending or ascending order on the basis of their usernames and access paths. Downloadable auto-config files will allow you to set up an FTP application such as Core FTP or FileZilla to access any of your FTP accounts without having to do anything manually on your end.